We are bombarded daily by chemicals and pollutants, in our homes, workplaces and everyday surroundings. 

We absorb these toxins through our skin, the food we eat and the air we breathe. When our bodies are unable to flush acidic toxins out of our cells, our immune system‘s become compromised, making us more susceptible to illnesses, aches and pains.

It is believed that the average person carries over 5 pounds of toxins in their cells! Some diseases or conditions that may be due to toxic overload are cancer, obesity, gout, drug addiction, arthritis, diabetes, fibromyalgia and brain fog.

Seven Signs of Toxic Buildup

How can you tell if your body is full of toxins? Here are seven signs that you should consider:

1. Constant Fatigue
Even though you may be sleeping well, you struggle just to get through the day. Low energy levels could be due to an overworked immune system

2. Stubborn Weight Gain
As we age, it can be difficult to lose weight. However, if you are exercising daily and cutting calories and still putting on pounds, your problem may be hormonal. Your hormone functions can be greatly affected by the toxic buildup in your body from processed foods, pesticides, cosmetics, medication, cleaning supplies and environmental pollutants

3. Bad breath
If you brush your teeth on a regular basis and gargle with mouthwash, but it doesn’t seem to help, it could be due to digestive or liver problems

4. Chronic Constipation
For optimal health, we need to have bowel elimination at least twice a day. When fecal waste remains in the body for too long, toxins are reabsorbed and can cause headaches, fatigue and joint pain

5. Sensitivity to Fragrances
Fragrances are in everything from dish soap to cosmetics. Many of these products contain harmful chemicals that can affect your body. A sign of toxic overload is an upset stomach or a sudden headache after exposure to certain fragrances

6. Muscle and Joint Pain
It is natural to have muscle spasms the following day after a hard workout at the gym. However, if you are having muscle and joint pain on a regular basis, this can be due to toxic buildup in your joints and muscles

7. Skin Conditions
Acne, rashes, boils, puffy eyes, eczema and psoriasis outbreaks are all signs that you are on toxic overload

 In a 2009 survey, 126 users of ionic detox systems were asked what specific health benefits they or their clients received from using ionic Foot Detox Bath systems

Their answers included:
• pain relief - 42
• increased energy - 29
• improved sleep -23
• improved digestion - 10
• toxic reduction - 9
• decreased swelling - 9
• circulatory system improvement - 9
• reduced weight - 8
• skin improvements - 8
• emotional improvements - 5
• respiratory improvements and much more

Health Benefits of an Ionic Detoxification

In a 2008 Study by the Center for Research Strategies, 31 participants underwent Ionic detox two times per week for 12 weeks. The amount of aluminum and arsenic in their blood was measured before and after the 12 weeks. The average blood aluminum level decreased by 46% and the average blood arsenic level decreased by 24% 

In a 2017 controlled study a person with myasthenia gravis (an autoimmune neuromuscular disease), the therapy group who underwent ionic detox treatments for three months experienced a 38% decrease in their symptoms

You can read about more studies here and here

Here are some additional benefits:

 Kills viruses, bacteria, yeast and fungus
 Relieves pain, tension and headaches
 Purifies the blood and lymph system
 Increases peripheral circulation
 Strengthens the immune system
 Enhances nutrient absorption
 Reduces inflammation and fluid retention
 Improves sleep
 Rejuvenates and energizes your whole body
 Eliminates brain fog
 Increases oxygen in the body
 Quickens recovery time from disease or injury
 Eliminates body odor
How Do Our Bodies Detox?

Our bodies detox harmful substances through the normal elimination processes. These are cleaned out through the kidneys, liver, skin, bowel elimination and breath. Your body will always try to expel toxins through these normal elimination processes. When your body is unable to flush the toxins out through its natural bodily function, your immune system becomes compromised. This makes you more susceptible to illnesses, aches and pains. 

Think of toxic cells like a backed-up sink. The sink needs to be cleaned and flushed so it can function. Similarly, our cells need to be cleansed and flush when they get backed up and unable to work properly

Let's chat about a little history so we can understand how these baths work

In 1833, French physician Dr. Bernard-Raymond Fabre’-Palaprat successfully demonstrated that potassium iodide, introduced into the skin via a negative battery terminal on one arm, would travel to another area of the body attracted by a positive pole. This proved that electrical current can transfer a specific compound around the body through the skin.  

Ionic detox machines work by electrolyzing water into negative and positive ions using an array placed in a tub of water. One of the byproducts is the hydrogen anion. These pass through the 4000 large pores in our feet and into the circulatory and lymphatic systems and throughout the body. The negative hydrogen ion is considered to be one of the strongest antioxidants with a high reduction potential

Due to its small size, the hydrogen and nine also penetrate easily through cell membranes. Inside the cells, the anions neutralize positively charged free radicals (toxins). Once the toxins are neutralized, they are more easily removed from the cells through osmosis. 

As you can imagine, when the human body is clogged with toxins, it malfunctions. An ionic foot detox session helps the toxins exit the cells and then the body’s natural detoxification processes can eliminate them through urination, defecation, respiration, and perspiration

Now you know why we use this weekly for ourselves and offer the service to others!

I am devoted to helping my clients achieve optimum health and balance by taking a holistic approach to overall wellness, intentional living, energy healing and nutrition. I am a Certified Vibrational Raindrop Specialist (using Young Living essential oils), a Wellness Educator and a Lymphatic Detox Facilitator. My services also include Lymphatic Detox, Raindrops, Biomat and Visera Facial scans.

 Contact me to book a session Monday - Friday 


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