It’s time to ditch the store-bought cranberry sauce and make your own in only 15 minutes and 3 ingredients!
Adding the essential oils are optional but they sure do give this sauce a nice little punch!
Homemade Cranberry Sauce
¾ cup water
½ cup organic maple syrup (I use this brand: https://amzn.to/3IlLDSo )
Splash of Young Living’s NingXia Red (optional)
12 oz bag of frozen or fresh cranberries
1 drop each of YL’s Orange, Lemon & Lime Vitality Essential Oils (optional but really makes this pop!)
Combine all liquids and bring to a boil. Slowly add the cranberries and cook on medium for 15 minutes. Stir occasionally and be mindful of the berries popping. Remove from heat and add the optional oils. Stir and then refrigerate for several hours. Enjoy!
May your blessings be numerous ~ Rhonda