Vanilla Ice Cream

It doesn't seem to matter whether it is the lazy days of summer or 10 below with 3 feet of snow .... ice cream is always a favorite!

I have played around with some homemade recipes subbing monkfruit, dates, honey and then maple syrup

My family has finally landed on this easy, 5-ingredient recipe sweetened with maple syrup tapped from the trees in Vermont!

If you are looking for a perfect ice cream and frozen yogurt maker, this Cuisinart is my all time favorite!

To make life easy, I just keep the newly washed bowl in the freezer so that ice cream can be made at a moments notice!

Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream

2 large eggs

2/3 cup maple syrup 

2 cups organic, farm fresh whipping cream

1 cup organic milk

2 t vanilla

Whisk eggs till fluffy (just a minute or so). Add in the other 4 ingredients and whisk.  Pour into ice cream maker and continue with the instructions for your maker.  In the Cuisinart that I use, it usually takes about 20 minutes.

Scoop out, top with your favorite nuts and enjoy!

** Notes:

These are our favorite ice cream tubs to use (click on tubs)

We use a little bit less than 2/3 cup of the maple syrup since we don't want it too sweet

Have fun with different flavors - we have enjoyed adding some Peppermint and Orange Vitality Essential Oils !

May your blessings be numerous ~ Rhonda🌻 

ice cream, maple syrup, cream, cuisinart, orange essential oil