Roasted Veggies and Sausage

I make this dinner several times a month and just switch up the veggies and meat. Other than roughly chopping the vegetables, it is a quick, easy and very versatile dinner recipe 
I’ll list my very estimated measurements for my seasonings but feel free to go with your heart and use whatever your family enjoys!  If you don’t have this wonderful oil dispenser that allows you to spray or pour, then grab it here because it is a must-have for your kitchen! 
Cut up sausage of your choice (I used organic Basil and Cracked Black Pepper Chicken Sausage from Costco here) and a variety of vegetables and place on a large baking sheet. Here are some seasonings that I usually use (measurements are give or take!): 

Roasted Veggies and Sausage

1 T Oregano 
1 T Parsley
10-2 t Garlic Powder
Salt and pepper

Then drizzle with avocado oil till your heart says stop! You can find the oil dispenser here 
Bake at 400 for 30 minutes but flip and stir every 10 minutes 

Sometimes I like to turn the oven to broil for just 3-4 minutes to get some crunchiness to the veggies.  Stay by the oven and watch carefully if you decide to do this last optional step
NOTES:  When my garden is in season, I use fresh parsley and oregano.  Some vegetable ideas: broccoli, potatoes, sweet potatoes, leeks, turnips, brussels sprouts, carrots, green beans, onions, peppers, cauliflower.  I wouldn’t recommend squash as it will get very mushy 

May your blessings be numerous ~ Rhonda🌻