I make these Peppermint Patties several times a month. This is what I pop in my mouth when I am craving something sweet.
Healthy Peppermint Patties

Just mix these three ingredients together in a bowl:
1/2 cup organic coconut oil (I use this brand: https://amzn.to/3SYRyl9 )
1/4 cup local honey
15 drops of Young Living's Peppermint Vitality Oil
Then drop them in a dollop on a cookie sheet with some parchment paper (that way you don't have to wash the cookie sheet!) Freeze them for about 5 minutes. Pop them off the paper and into your mouth! You have to keep these in a bowl in the fridge since the coconut oil will melt.
I prefer them without chocolate, but my daughter insists on having the chocolate, so I just melt some organic cacao chips in a double broiler and spread a thin layer on top. Then return them to the freezer to harden the chocolate - about another 5 minutes.
That's it - super easy and delicious!
May your blessings be numerous ~ Rhonda

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